The 48-year-old entertainer conversed with ET’s Rachel Smith at Madame Tussaud’s Wax Display in New York City about a situation from the outset in the social occasion’s striking late ’90s run.

“Something happened exceptionally without skipping a beat in the Flavor Young women’s trip, and I have a smidgen of drop out with Victoria [Beckham] at the Brits (Brit Awards) in ’96 – – not the Affiliation Jack dress [year], yet year earlier. So [we were] unreleased anyway several people knew us. Moreover, there was a little quitter, and I was done whatever it takes to get tossed out the band,” Mel C offers. “Moreover, from that second on I comprehended – – considering the way that I didn’t think it was a serious matter, I didn’t figure I’d done anything particularly dreadful – – and it broke me out. I was like, I really want to control myself. I really want to control what I do.”

Control transformed into an inconvenient subject all through the entertainer’s life at the focal point of consideration. She encouraged a dietary issue due, somewhat, to her persona as Lively Flavor.

“At this point I was controlling what I ate. I was controlling how much action I was doing,” she perceives. “By the day’s end, I think considering the way that in a situation like that so a ton is unchangeable as far as you might be concerned, the things you have some command over I ended up being outstandingly obsessive about.”

She says she was offered help for her dietary issue, at this point at the time she “wasn’t ready to recognize it.”

“This is the thing with these issues, you know, you can’t really help somebody until they’re willing,” she says.

Concerning where she stays with the other Flavor Young women today, Mel says her relationship with the band are “really great.”

“We love each other and it looks like a sisterhood, you know?” she gets a handle on her bandmates. “We started together as youngsters. We came from nothing. We got these things done. We love each other’s young people. We know each other’s families, they’re family. It’s a huge, gigantic family and that is never going to change.”

— TMZ (@TMZ) September 28, 2022

Concerning a Flavor Young women before an audience gathering with every one of the five people, Mel says “we would value that.”

“This moment we’re talking four at the present time,” she says. “Victoria, the suggestion is reliably there, she’s continually invited and for each situation genuinely involved, as a matter of fact. We’re still a ton of a five piece, like behind the scenes.”

Beckham as of late said that the social occasion’s show toward the end capability of the 2012 London Olympics would be her final remaining one as a Zing Young woman.

“I think it was a great deal for her. It was, like, she was so troubled, for example, going out there,” Mel says of Beckham. “She was like, ‘You know what, young women? I accept that would me say me is done.’ And, learn to expect the unexpected. It’s an amazing spot to bow out considering the way that it was enormous.”