New Game+ will allow players to carry over their weapons and attachments gathered during the first playthrough. It also provides a wide variety of customizable features so players can make their second time through completely their own.

Of particular interest is the developer commentary feature. There will be hidden tapes players can find throughout the game in New Game+ that offers some commentary about that particular area.

The developers also said the bug and crash fixes were made based on the extensive feedback received from players, including the dump files and crash reports submitted to them.

The full patch notes can be found below:

Inventory Modes

My Weapons

Allows you to start with all weapons and attachments found in the last playthrough Weapons are granted after freeing Anna in Moscow Starting weapons will be the last loadout that was set in the previous end game save All other weapons and attachments previously unlocked will be available in the Aurora Workbench Armory, first encountered in Volga Player Armor/Wrist upgrades do not carry over

One Weapon

Reduces weapon slots to one.   Any weapon can be used in this slot, but you can only take one with you.   Manage this by swapping Weapons in the field, or by using the Aurora Workbench Armory


Provides Player with the Crossbow at the beginning of the game in addition to normal Weapon Progression. Yermak gives the Player the Crossbow after Jammer scene in Moscow.

Backpack limitations

Crafting in the Backpack is disabled, you may only use a Workbench Only Weapon modifications allowed in Backpack

AI Modes

Armored Enemies

Human NPC’s are upgraded by one level of Armor across the game if applicable

Tougher Creatures

Creatures have thicker hide across the game


Human NPCs use explosives more often

Environment Modes

Real Time Weather

Change the game’s natural day/night cycle from 2 to 24 real hours for complete immersion

Bad Weather

Fog, Rain, Snow, and Sand storm conditions occur more frequently where applicable

Radiation is Forever

Additional radiation zones will appear across some levels, making the Gas Mask more important

Game Modes

Iron Mode

Fully disables the Save System, progress is only saved between levels

Developer Commentary

Green Tape Players throughout the game will be available to play Developer Commentary about the area in which it is found

Additional New Game + Content

Achievements / Trophies

Additional set of hidden objects in the world, exclusive to New Game+

New Game+ becomes available from the New Game menu after completing the game once.

Please note: Starting a new game in Regular Mode or in New Game + will clear your Quick/Auto/Chapter Select saves. You will need to progress again to access later levels.

Deep Silver also provided separate patch notes for PC and console versions.

Despite the controversy surrounding its move to the Epic Games Store and the backlash it faced, Metro Exodus is already proving to be a big hit with fans. It seems the Ranger update is set to offer an even grander adventure.

If you’re still trying to finish the game so you can access New Game+, check out our Metro Exodus guides for some helpful tips.